Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013


This is the Frankenstein's monster that I sewed. It's going to be in this show and these are the flyers!!

Some attractive beast in my sketchbook. I guess you could say that I have a type.

These are some rough sketches for the spooky birdhouse that I'm making for an auction.

If it isn't clear yet I'm really enjoying my macro lense on my new camera. 

I sewed a sign for a craft fair that I'm going to be participating in!

A little sculpture for necklaces and things for that craft fair.

I bought this wonderful Suessian fabric and decided to make some button-jointed twins for the craft fair.

Oh and here's a link to the craft fair:

Also I just learned how to make iced coffee at home so my productivity will be going into hyperdrive!! (Or all my art will be really shaky-looking)


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer can be nice.

I found this photo and loved it. He reminds me of a proud astronaut. Maybe astronauts should wear creature suits so that aliens will be more afraid of us. NASA, I'm talking to you!

I drew a bunch of circles in my sketchbook and tried to quickly fill them with faces. My favorite is the fancy mustachioed face just right of the center.

Another thing  from my sketchbook. 

This  is a large plush figure that I made of Wicket the Ewok. He's 20" tall.

I had my comedy-themed art up in the breakroom at work.

My Gilda Radner painting for the middle!

And a progress shot of my Frankenstein's Monster textile portrait.
Goodbye for now,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Oh, it's May now!

Here is a creature that I made for a sweet little girl:

And May is nearly gone, where does the time go?


Friday, April 12, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I love fat sea creatures.

I also love important or pompous expressions on faces so I sculpted one. I thought it might be funny to have a face like that on a fat sea creature. Because who doesn't like to laugh at their art? Probably a lot of people. But nevertheless here is my fat, pompous, sea dweller's beginning stages:

Thinking of you fondly,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My weird comedian dolls

I hope Paul is okay sharing a microphone with Steven Wright!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Doll F. Tompkins

I made a doll of comedian Paul F. Tompkins! He has taken up a lot of my time for the last couple months. I made him some masks of a few hilarious impressions that he does; Cake Boss, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Ice T. His podcast, The Pod F. Tompcast is one of my favorites! I made this thing for absolutely no reason other than it was fun! I tried to capture every detail right down to his silver wedding band.

Cake Boss!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's the silence of the lamb!

I mean, he's pretty quiet.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

I took February off.

I figured since it's the shortest month that I would not blog in February. I planned that. Things have been busy! I've been taking a sketch comedy writing class, fell ill twice, and worked on a new comedian doll. Oh and I just started making a new creature for the shop. Here is that new guy's progress now!

He might be sheepish.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Another finished creature!

He came out pretty closely to how I imagined he would, except that after I finished him I decided that he needed a mohawk and eyebrows!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

What have I done??

What have I done?? I don't know why that question has to be dramatic. What I have done is make the armature, sew the body fur, feet and prime the face for my creature. Max sculpted the face so I just have to paint it and get it ready to be attached to the body.

That's what I have done.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 is not the future!!!!

I spent the last night of two thousand twelve singing What a Wonderful World in my best Louis Armstrong voice at a Karaoke bar. Okay maybe not my best Louis Armstrong voice but it was pretty good. We've been busy on our break but there are big plans for Gravlax this year. The plans will be revealed at the end of this post.

 This is a little sketch for another creature that I'm making:

Oh and our big plans are to make more creatures, dolls and other stuff!!! I like to say plans and not resolutions because resolutions are so resolute and that's just too much PRESSURE!!! What if I don't go to the gym every day?! Am I supposed to feel bad? I don't even have a gym membership!! I guess my resolution could be that I just go and sit in the parking lot in my car. I could do that!

I like the way 2013 looks. Happy New Year everyone!
