Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I love fat sea creatures.

I also love important or pompous expressions on faces so I sculpted one. I thought it might be funny to have a face like that on a fat sea creature. Because who doesn't like to laugh at their art? Probably a lot of people. But nevertheless here is my fat, pompous, sea dweller's beginning stages:

Thinking of you fondly,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My weird comedian dolls

I hope Paul is okay sharing a microphone with Steven Wright!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Doll F. Tompkins

I made a doll of comedian Paul F. Tompkins! He has taken up a lot of my time for the last couple months. I made him some masks of a few hilarious impressions that he does; Cake Boss, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Ice T. His podcast, The Pod F. Tompcast is one of my favorites! I made this thing for absolutely no reason other than it was fun! I tried to capture every detail right down to his silver wedding band.

Cake Boss!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's the silence of the lamb!

I mean, he's pretty quiet.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

I took February off.

I figured since it's the shortest month that I would not blog in February. I planned that. Things have been busy! I've been taking a sketch comedy writing class, fell ill twice, and worked on a new comedian doll. Oh and I just started making a new creature for the shop. Here is that new guy's progress now!

He might be sheepish.